{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

open import Relation.Binary using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_)

module dtres

  {{ Α : Set }} -- Alpha, type-level constants
  {{ C : Set }} -- C, term-level constants

  {{ Var : Set }} -- term variables
  {{ decEqVar : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Var}) }}

  {{ Κ : Set }} -- proof term symbols

import SyntaxRew
open SyntaxRew 
  {{ Α }} -- Alpha, type-level constants
  {{ C }} -- C, term-level constants

  {{ Var }} -- term variables
  {{ decEqVar }}

  {{ Κ }} -- proof term symbols
  using (Sig ; Prog ; Ctx ; PT ; Go ; go ; inMT ; · )

import BigSem
open BigSem
  {{ Α }} -- Alpha, type-level constants
  {{ C }} -- C, term-level constants

  {{ Var }} -- term variables
  {{ decEqVar }}

  {{ Κ }} -- proof term symbols
  using ( _+_⟶_∷_ )

import SmlSem
open SmlSem --{{Α}} {{C}} {{T}} {{K}} {{Var}} {{UVar}} 
  {{ Α }}    -- type level constants
  {{ C }}    -- term level constants

  {{ Var }}  -- variables
  {{ decEqVar }}

  {{ Κ }}     -- proof term constants
  using ( _+_⊢_∣_~>_∣_ ; ∀gen )

import LogRel.Gen
open LogRel.Gen
  {{ Α }}    -- type level constants
  {{ C }}    -- term level constants

  {{ Var }}  -- variables
  {{ decEqVar }}

  {{ Κ }}     -- proof term constants
  using ( log-gen )

import Fundamental
open Fundamental
  {{ Α }} -- Alpha, type-level constants
  {{ C }} -- C, term-level constants

  {{ Var }} -- term variables
  {{ decEqVar }}

  {{ Κ }} -- proof term symbols
  using ( fundamental )

import Escape
open Escape
  {{ Α }} -- Alpha, type-level constants
  {{ C }} -- C, term-level constants

  {{ Var }} -- term variables
  {{ decEqVar }}

  {{ Κ }} -- proof term symbols
  using ( escape )


soundness of sml w.r.t big


sound : {S : Sig} {P : Prog} {Γ : Ctx} {e : PT} {G : Go} 
  S + P  Γ  (go G) ~> ·  (inMT e) 
  S + P   e  G

sound sml = escape (fundamental sml)


generalised soundness of sml w.r.t. big


gensound : {S : Sig} {P : Prog} {Γ Γ' : Ctx} {e : PT} {G : Go} 
  S + P  Γ  (go G) ~> Γ'  (inMT e) 
  S + P   e  (∀gen Γ' G)

gensound sml = escape (log-gen (fundamental sml))